The „&wieder. Ein Raum für Kunst" is an art and creative space in the north of Cologne. It is run by the non-profit association „Das Kulturgetriebe e.V.“, … [read more]
The not-for-profit art association 68ELF, founded in 1988, presents interdisciplinary artistic positions on socially relevant, political and aesthetic themes … [read more]
ACADEMYSPACE is the Academy of the Arts of the World’s gallery space. This “space between the arts” is a forum for exchange, which the Academy opens up for … [read more]
Cologne is the first city to use some of its phased out advertising columns as long-term (until 2029) sites for art in public space. Since March 2019, a new … [read more]
artothek has been offering works of art on loan since 1973. At the same time, it presents an exhibition programme that features Cologne-based artists and … [read more]
artrmx e.V. in Cologne-Ehrenfeld is dedicated to the popularisation of contemporary art. Exhibitions by international and local artists are shown in its … [read more]
Quartier am Hafen is a place of artistic dialogue, research and production. More than 80 professional visual artists, media artists, designers, dancers and … [read more]
Baustelle Kalk sees itself as an initiator of projects and culture. The not-for-profit cultural association, founded in January 2012 by Meryem Erkus, Nicole … [read more]
BEISTE Kunstraum - ein neuer Satellit am Off-Space-Himmel! Gegründet im Jahr 2022 sind wir ein Team aus Rafael Andrade-Córdova, Antonia Gruber und Mio Zajac, … [read more]
Boddenberg is a studio house with exhibition space in the family's former flower shop. One of our concerns is to make the artistic discourse visible beyond the … [read more]
bunker k101 shows contemporary art within the context of its own relevance as an historical memorial. The promotion of regional, national and international … [read more]
Contemporary Middle East. e.V. is a Cologne-based association, founded in 2019. Its aim is to support artists, impart cultural education and promote exchange, … [read more]
Fotoraum Köln e.V. in Lindenthal is both an atelier and an exhibition platform. Whether it be documentary photography, photo journalism or landscape, … [read more]
GEMEINDE KÖLN is a project space for a pluralistic and inclusive society, focusing on collaborative approaches to cultural production. Building long-term … [read more]
gerngesehen puts on nomadic, interdisciplinary series of sound art, inter-media concert performances and more, in collaboration with other initiatives and … [read more]
GLASMOOG has a new home! You'll find us now (10/2024) at Heumarkt 14. GLASMOOG is a space for contemporary art and its related fields, founded at the Academy … [read more]
The interdisciplinary project space GOLD+BETON was founded in August 2013 by Meryem Erkus, Vera Drebusch and Andreas Rohde. Alongside regular exhibitions, the … [read more]
ICA Cologne - Islands of Contemporary Art Cologne ist eine 2024 initiierte kollaborative Plattform, bei der zwei bislang unabhängig agierende Kunstinitiativen … [read more]
IDYLL, founded in 2021, is a project space in Cologne Kalk curated by Almut Elhardt and Florian Egermann. IDYLL shows site-specific artworks that interact with … [read more]
Der iJuLa-Raum (intersektionales JugendLabor) in Köln-Zollstock ist ein Projektraum der kulturpädagogischen Facheinrichtung ROOTS & ROUTES Cologne e.V. … [read more]
INTERNATIONALE PHOTOSZENE KÖLN funds artistic photography, with the aim of permanently strengthening Cologne’s position as a centre of photography. PHOTOSZENE … [read more]
kjubh Kunstverein e.V. is a non-commercial exhibition initiative, which occupies a niche in Cologne between institutions and the independent scene. Since its … [read more]
KUNSTHAFEN on Bayenwerft is part of Kunsthaus Rhenania, a former grain silo in Cologne’s Rheinauhafen. The 300 m2 hall can be used for a variety of artistic … [read more]
KUNSTHAUS KAT18 is an art space with studios, a project room and a gallery with a coffee bar. We promote artistic and cultural processes with the goal of … [read more]
KUNSTRAUM K634 shows three or four exhibitions a year, with a focus on colour painting and artistic forms of expression that relate to nature and the garden in … [read more]
The project gallery LABOR, part of the Ebertplatz passage since 2005, is a pioneer in this inner-city location, which has developed into one of the main art … [read more]
La Felce zeigt aktuelle Kunst mit Konzentration auf die Medien Buch, Fotografie und jeweils benachbarte Disziplinen. Als Ausstellungen finden u.a. Artists' … [read more]
Upon entering the Lutherturm from Volksgartenstrasse, we enter, acoustically, visually and climatically, into an entirely new spatial situation, independent of … [read more]
Matjö, the project space of the charitable BBK Köln e.V., is both an independent, experimental exhibition space as well as a centre for vocational information … [read more]
mauer ist ein Kunstraum in der historischen Stadtmauer Kölns. Seit 2021 werden dort Ausstellungen, Lesungen, Performances und Konzerte realisiert. [read more]
The focus of the minha galera collective and network is on the design and testing of alternative, solidary forms of living and working together. This … [read more]
Moltkerei Werkstatt was founded by Elisabeth Jappe as a workshop and presentation space for experimental artistic forms at the beginning of 1981. Since then, … [read more]
Mouches Volantes ist der Name des neuen interdisziplinären Kunstraumes für bildende und darstellende Künste am Ebertplatz in Köln. Mouches Volantes vertritt … [read more]
Niehler Freiheit is a cultural non-profit initiative with the aim to collectively create, design and culturally use urban space. The site in Köln Bickendorf, … [read more]
PAErsche is an action lab that has intervened temporarily in various locations since 2010. PAErsche offers a platform and network for performance art, with … [read more]
PiK – Projektraum im KunstWerk is a non-commercial exhibition location for contemporary art. It is part of KunstWerk Köln e.V. and was founded with the … [read more]
SCHAELPIC PHOTOKUNSTBAR, on Schanzenstraße in the Cologne-Mülheim media district, is a project space for artistic photography that has experimented with … [read more]
Simultanhalle Köln-Volkhoven e.V. has been presenting contemporary positions from regional, national and international artists for almost forty years. Analogue … [read more]
Die Reihe Strichstärke – Projekte zur Zeichnung wurde 2017 in Köln initiiert. Die offen kuratierten Präsentationen finden an wechselnden Orten statt. Der Fokus … [read more]
The project space STROMA in Cologne Kalk presents painting and graphics, installation and site-specific positions from regional and national artists. A … [read more]
The Cologne Art Book Fair (TCABF) was originated in 2015, providing a new and invaluable platform for friends, collectors, and makers of artists’ books, … [read more]
Kreuznacher Str. (entrance Vorgebirgspark)
50968 Cologne
On one day every year since 1997, Interessengemeinschaft Kunst im Park has shown art installations, performances and objects specifically created for and in … [read more]
ZERO FOLD is a “walk-in showcase” in the middle of the city, only 8 metres squared in size. The exhibition programme is realised in cooperation with artists, … [read more]
Der mehr als 800 Jahre alte Zündorfer Wehrturm bietet einen architektonisch besonderen Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst und Kultur. Er liegt an der Freizeitinsel … [read more]