Most stories begin with a simple, but surprisingly effective: Hi! — Welcome to our network of independent art spaces in Cologne.


Mer bruche Jeld för Kultur, do sin mer Jeister stur

Mer bruche Jeld för Kultur, do sin mer Jeister stur

Aufruf an die Kölner Kulturszene zur Teilnahme am Geisterzug 2025: Ein Zeichen gegen Kürzungen im Kölner Kulturbereich!

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AIC Edition 2021

AIC Edition 2021

Zu AIC ON 2021 ist erstmalig eine eigene Künstler*inedition entstanden, gestaltet von Jan Hoeft, Mona Schulzek und Lucia Sotnikova.

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kjubh Kunstverein e.V.

kjubh Kunstverein e.V. is a non-commercial exhibition initiative, which occupies a niche in Cologne between institutions and the independent scene. Since its foundation in 2000, various curators have presented current art in cooperation with kjubh. Heads of larger art associations as well as renowned independent curators have set up individual exhibitions here or supervised the programme over a longer period. With a productive mixture of young, international and local positions, kjubh consciously avoids programmatic definition. The initiative sees itself as an open, lively podium for a broad variety of media and forms of expression and has established itself as a meeting place for well-informed visitors, also thanks to its flexibility in showing older and marginal positions. [read more]

Baustelle Kalk e.V.

Baustelle Kalk e.V.
Baustelle Kalk sees itself as an initiator of projects and culture. The not-for-profit cultural association, founded in January 2012 by Meryem Erkus, Nicole Wegner and Fatma Erkus, brings cultural diversity, far from institutional requirements, especially to the Cologne district of Kalk. The focus of this small cultural niche is on (sub) cultural art, events of all kinds and concerts of a challenging nature (e.g. experimental, noise, sound art or improvisation). Baumusik was founded in April 2016 in response to the fact that most of the musicians associated with the association had nowhere to publish their releases, offering the chance to self-publish with greatest possible artistic individuality. BAUSTELLE KALK became a nomadic venture in 2017 after almost 5 years based on Kalk-Mülheimer-Straße. [read more]