Most stories begin with a simple, but surprisingly effective: Hi! — Welcome to our network of independent art spaces in Cologne.


AIC Edition 2021

AIC Edition 2021

Zu AIC ON 2021 ist erstmalig eine eigene Künstler*inedition entstanden, gestaltet von Jan Hoeft, Mona Schulzek und Lucia Sotnikova.

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Mer bruche Jeld för Kultur, do sin mer Jeister stur

Mer bruche Jeld för Kultur, do sin mer Jeister stur

Aufruf an die Kölner Kulturszene zur Teilnahme am Geisterzug 2025: Ein Zeichen gegen Kürzungen im Kölner Kulturbereich!

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The project gallery LABOR, part of the Ebertplatz passage since 2005, is a pioneer in this inner-city location, which has developed into one of the main art locations in Cologne over recent years. The large shop windows offer glimpses of the respective exhibitions, even outside openings hours. LABOR was established as an exhibition space for contemporary art through the founding of a booster club at the beginning of 2013. Alongside classical exhibitions, LABOR also consciously opens itself to cross-genre formats and sees itself (and the Ebertplatz passage) as a stage for experiments. A fringe programme includes performances, readings and concerts. In addition, LABOR is regularly home to various festivals, for example the Internationale Photoszene, the architecture biennale plan and the Passagen Interior Design Week. [read more]

Temporary Gallery – Centre for Contemporary Art

Temporary Gallery
Temporary Gallery – Centre for Contemporary Art shows exhibitions and provides discursive formats in the context of contemporary art. [read more]