Artist talk: Visualing Extraction. Petropublics Across Borders
Filmscreening & Talk mit Sanaz Sohrabi und Philip Scheffner
Sanaz Sohrabi explores how the political life of oil has contributed to global media culture, focusing on the relationship between petromodernity and the visual technologies used by British Petroleum in Asia.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with film and videographer Philip Scheffner about the research process, and petromodernity's material and ideological relationship to photography and film as embodied technologies of coloniality during British Petroleum's operations in Asia.
12.12.2023, 8 pm
Filmhaus Köln
Maybachstraße 111, 50670 Cologne
In English language
The venue is not barrier-free
Photo: Filmmaker and VOX, Center for Contemporary Images, Montréal. Images reproduced with the permission of BP p.l.c.