Opening: The Harvest
Wim Bosch
the harvest / die Ernte
The selected photographic works for the exhibition at K364 establish a connection with nature but do not have a direct relationship with the adjacent garden. In a poetic manner, they engage in a relationship with news photography that pertain to our interaction with the natural environment. The photo's are the result of years of harvesting snippets from newspaper pictures. They have been carefully preserved like dried flowers in various materials, removed from their original habitat. What was once a part of a significant event is now a ghostly image, a shadow. The presently thriving plants, encompassing blossoming flowers and fruits in the neighboring gardens, will eventually vanish within a brief period. The memory remains, and perhaps the beans in the freezer and the jar of fruit jam in the cupboard. In the space K364 I will show three works from the recent Plaquette series, two existing works and one new work made and chosen for this particular location.
Wim Bosch